Human Body · Psychology · Science and Technology

Synesthesia – Can you smell colors? Can you see sound?

You probably won't believe it if I say that you can see sounds, smell colors, or taste sounds. Yes, it is a neurological condition called Synesthesia. About four percent of the population have these additional skills, and people who experience them are known as synesthetes. Synesthesia is a phenomenon in which the stimulation of one… Continue reading Synesthesia – Can you smell colors? Can you see sound?

Human Body

Red-eye effect – Why do my eyes glow red in photos?

Ever wondered why your eyes glows red like a vampire or zombie in some photographs? These spooky red eyes sometimes ruins the perfect shot. The phenomenon is called Red-eye effect and it is the eye’s biology interacting with the camera’s lighting mechanism. It occurs when we use a photographic flash that is very close to… Continue reading Red-eye effect – Why do my eyes glow red in photos?

Science and Technology

The Hathaway Effect – Strange correlation between Anne Hathaway and Warren Buffet

The Hathaway Effect is a phenomenon that happens when actress Anne Hathaway is trending on social media or makes headlines, stocks in Berkshire Hathaway company rise. The effect is a strange correlation because Anne Hathaway and Berkshire Hathaway seems to have nothing in common other than name and nationality. Anne Hathaway is a famous Hollywood… Continue reading The Hathaway Effect – Strange correlation between Anne Hathaway and Warren Buffet

Human Body · Science and Technology

Cryonics – Can you revive a human body by preserving it?

Cryonics is a technique that is used to preserve a human body at extremely low temperatures to revive them sometimes in the future. If a person's full body is preserved it is said to be in Cryonic-Suspension and if only the brain is preserved, then it is in Neuro-Suspension. The idea of Cryonics originated with… Continue reading Cryonics – Can you revive a human body by preserving it?